ווינטער-גרייט מיט די 10 פּשוט סטעפּס

פֿון Joost Nusselder | דערהייַנטיקט אויף:  יוני קסנומקס, קסנומקס
איך האָב ליב צו שאַפֿן פריי אינהאַלט פול פון עצות פֿאַר מיין לייענער. איך טאָן ניט אָננעמען באַצאָלט ספּאָנסאָרשיפּס, מיין מיינונג איז מיין אייגענע, אָבער אויב איר געפֿינען מיין רעקאַמאַנדיישאַנז נוציק און איר קויפן עפּעס איר ווילט דורך איינער פון מיין פֿאַרבינדונגען, איך קען פאַרדינען אַ קאָמיסיע אָן עקסטרע קאָסטן. לערן מער

Winter is coming and it can bring a lot of issues for your house. Frozen pipes and ice dams are just a few examples. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

To prepare your house for winter, there are a few things you need to do. First, inspect your heating system to ensure it’s working properly. Then, seal any air leaks to prevent drafts and keep the heat inside.

In this guide, I’ll show you 10 essential steps to winterize your house and enjoy the season without any problems.

Winter ready

10 Essential Steps to Winterize Your Home

1. Inspect Your Heating System

Before the temperature drops, it’s important to make sure your heating system is in good working order. Schedule a professional inspection to ensure that your furnace or boiler is running efficiently and safely. Don’t forget to replace your air filters regularly to keep your indoor air quality high.

2. סיל לופט ליקס

Air leaks can cause drafts and make your heating system work harder than it needs to. Check for gaps around doors, windows, and electrical outlets, and seal them with weatherstripping or caulking. Don’t forget to insulate your attic and crawl space to prevent heat loss.

3. Clean Your Gutters

Clogged gutters can lead to ice dams, which can damage your roof and cause water to leak into your home. Clean your gutters and downspouts to ensure that water can flow freely away from your house.

4. Trim Trees and Shrubs

Winter storms can cause branches to break and fall on your home, causing damage and potentially injuring people or pets. Trim trees and shrubs near your house to prevent this from happening.

5. Check Your Roof

Inspect your roof for any damage or missing shingles. Repair any issues before winter weather sets in to prevent leaks and water damage.

6. Prepare Your Pipes

Frozen pipes can burst and cause extensive damage to your home. Insulate pipes in unheated areas, such as your garage or crawl space, and leave faucets dripping during cold snaps.

7. לאַגער אַרויף אויף סופּפּליעס

Make sure you have plenty of supplies on hand in case of a winter storm. Stock up on non-perishable food, bottled water, batteries, and flashlights.

8. Test Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Winter is the peak season for home fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working properly.

9. Protect Your Outdoor Equipment

Winter weather can damage דרויסנדיק equipment, such as your grill, lawn mower, and patio furniture. Store these items in a dry, protected area or cover them with a tarp.

10. Create an Emergency Plan

In case of a power outage or other emergency, create a plan with your family for what to do and where to go. Make sure everyone knows where to find emergency supplies and how to contact each other.

קוק דיין דאַך

Before climbing up a ladder, take a quick look at your roof from the street or garden. Look for any obvious signs of damage, such as missing tiles or slates, failing leadwork, or blocked valleys. Note any areas that need attention.

Inspect the roof up close

If you’re experienced with ladders and have the right equipment, conduct a thorough inspection of the roof. Check ridges, junctions, and valleys for debris that can trap water and cause damage. Look for moss or leaves that can harbour dampness and lead to problems in the future.

Repair any damage promptly

If you notice any dislodged tiles or slates, get them fixed as soon as possible to prevent water from seeping into your home. Patching up chinks and cracks in the roof is also important to ensure that your home stays dry and warm during the winter months.

Upgrade your roof if necessary

If your roof is old or in a state of disrepair, it may be time to consider a new roof. A roofer can offer advice on the best type of roof for your home and weather conditions. Upgrading your roof in the summer can save you from potential problems that may arise during the winter weather.

Check the inside of your roof

Don’t forget to inspect the inside of your roof, especially in the loft space. Look for any signs of dampness or light coming through chinks in the roof. Spray foams or liquid can be used to fill in any gaps that may hinder repairs in the future.

Remove any debris

Ridges and junctions can often trap debris such as leaves and moss. It’s important to remove this debris to ensure that water can flow freely off the roof and avoid any potential damage.

Get rid of any moss

Moss can be a problem on roofs, especially in damp weather. It can lead to dampness and cause damage to the roof tiles. Use a moss killer or hire a professional to remove it.

Ensure proper maintenance

Regularly checking and maintaining your roof is vital to avoid any potential problems. Keep a handbook of all repairs and maintenance conducted on your roof. This will help you keep track of what needs to be fixed and when.

Reuse materials where possible

If you need to replace any tiles or slates, try to reuse materials from your old roof. This can save you money and also adds character to your home.

Get an experienced roofer to conduct a thorough inspection

If you’re not confident in inspecting your roof yourself, it’s best to hire an experienced roofer to conduct a thorough inspection. They can offer advice on the best way to winterize your roof and prevent any potential damage that winter weather can wreak havoc on your home.


So there you have it, 10 essential steps to winterize your house. Now you can relax and enjoy the winter knowing your house is ready for it. Plus, you’ll save money on your heating bills. So don’t wait any longer, start today!

איך בין Joost Nusselder, דער גרינדער פון מכשירים דאָקטאָר, אינהאַלט מאַרקעטער און טאַטע. איך האָב ליב צו פּרובירן נייַע ויסריכט, און צוזאַמען מיט מיין מאַנשאַפֿט איך האָבן קריייטינג אין-טיפקייַט בלאָג אַרטיקלען זינט 2016 צו העלפֿן געטרייַ לייענער מיט מכשירים און קראַפטינג עצות.