Exterior paint suitable for weather influences

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  June 22, 2022
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exterior paint

which one to choose and with exterior paint, durability is a priority.

An exterior paint must certainly be able to withstand the effects of the weather.

exterior paint

After all, you have to deal with rain and sunlight.

So with a moisture balance.

It must be so that no moisture penetrates, but the moisture must be able to go out.

The water should not penetrate into your frame or door.

Or that you get discoloration over time due to sunlight.

Which exterior paint should you choose now?

Yes, that is quite difficult.

Time must tell.

me as s
childer have good experiences with that.

You can apply an exterior paint and you can enjoy it for up to eight years.

What is important is that you maintain a long shine on your outdoor woodwork and that the paint does not peel.

You can also contribute to this.

After a major paint job, the main thing is that you clean your woodwork twice a year.

use an all-purpose cleaner for this.

This is hugely important.

After that, the main thing is that you walk around your house once a year and check the paintwork and immediately repair it.

Of course you extend the shine on the woodwork with this.

Also read the article about this: painting a house.

Exterior paint must already have earned a status.

Paint for outside must have proven itself over the years.

I am now going to name three types of exterior paint that I have had very good experiences with.

Firstly, that is the Sikkens Rubbol XD from Sikkens paint.

This used to have a different name, but it is about the composition of the paint.

I base my experiences on a subsequent painting.

I have new customers that I only have to come back after 8 years for a next paint job.

This says enough.

Cleaning of the windows was also followed.

The two paint that also belongs in the list   is the Sigma SU2 Gloss from Sigma paint.

Also here I have had little to no maintenance after that.

What strikes me most about the paint is that the shine remains visible for so long.

Here too there are many customers who are very satisfied with this.

As the last paint in the row, the Koopmans Paint Professional Quality from Koopmans paint is also a good choice.

The durability of this paint has also proven itself well.

A well-covering exterior paint with a high gloss level.

This also requires little maintenance afterwards.

So these are my experiences.

There will of course be more brands, but I have no experience with them.

So I can’t judge that either.

Which also plays a major role which gloss you choose.

A silk or high gloss.

For the exterior painting it is better to choose a high gloss.

The more shine there is on your frames or doors, the easier the water will drip off.

I’m really curious if there are people who also have a good experience with an outdoor paint.

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Thank you very much.

Pete deVries.

P.s Do you also want an extra discount on all paint products from Koopmans paint?

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I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.