Interior: A Comprehensive Guide

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  June 17, 2022
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Interior refers to the inside of a building or room, encompassing everything from the walls to the furniture and decorations. It’s where people live, work, and relax. In this article, we’ll explore the definition of interior and the various elements it can include.

What is interior

Exploring the Depths of Interior: Beyond Walls and Doors

When we think of “interior,” we often associate it with the inside of a building. However, the meaning of interior goes beyond just walls and doors. It encompasses the entire space within a building, including the arrangement and decoration of the space.

Real Estate Agents and Interior Decoration: A Comparative Look

Real estate agents often emphasize the importance of staging a home to sell it quickly and at a higher price. This is where interior decoration comes into play. A well-decorated home can make a significant difference in how potential buyers perceive the space. However, it’s essential to note that while real estate agents may have some knowledge of interior decoration, they are not interior designers or decorators.

Interior: An Idiom in the English Language

The word “interior” is not only an adjective but also an idiom in the English language. When we say someone has “an interior motive,” we mean they have a hidden or ulterior motive. Similarly, when we say something is “interior” to something else, we mean it is located within or inside that thing.

Synonyms for Interior: Exploring Different Departments and Organizations

While “interior” is a commonly used term, there are many synonyms that can be used to describe the same concept. Some examples include:

  • Inner
  • Inside
  • Internal
  • Inward
  • Inland

These synonyms can be used in different contexts, such as in the names of government departments or organizations. For example, the United States Department of the Interior is responsible for managing the country’s natural resources and cultural heritage.

The Evolution of Interior Design

Over time, the role of interior design has changed significantly. Initially, interior design was primarily concerned with creating safe and functional spaces for people to live and work in. However, as people began to acquire more wealth and the size of buildings grew, the focus shifted towards creating more aesthetically pleasing spaces. Today, interior design combines form and function in a way that is unique to each individual project.

Current Terms and Styles

Interior design is a complex field that requires a dedicated understanding of the user and the space they are working with. Some of the most common styles include traditional, modern, and transitional. However, there is a large variety of different styles that can be employed depending on the area and the people who will be using the space. Some of the most popular styles include:

  • Minimalist
  • Industrial
  • Scandinavian
  • Bohemian
  • Coastal

Positive and Negative Effects of Interior Design

The way a space is designed can have a significant impact on the way people feel and behave within it. A well-designed space can promote productivity, creativity, and a sense of calm. On the other hand, a poorly designed space can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and discomfort. It is important to choose an interior design that complements the purpose of the space and the people who will be using it.

Interior Decorators vs. Interior Designers: Who to Hire for Your Project?

When it comes to designing and decorating your space, it’s important to understand the difference between interior decorators and interior designers. While both professions involve creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces, there are some key differences in their roles and skill sets:

  • Interior decorators focus on the decorative elements of a space, such as furniture, fabrics, and accessories. They work to create a certain aesthetic and bring a client’s vision to life.
  • Interior designers, on the other hand, have a more comprehensive role in the design process. They consider both the functional and structural aspects of a space, as well as the decorative elements. They may work with architects and contractors to make changes to the building itself, and they often have a degree in interior design or a related field.

When to Hire an Interior Decorator

If you’re looking to make cosmetic changes to your space, such as choosing finishes or selecting furniture, an interior decorator may be the right choice for you. They can help you choose the right colors, fabrics, and finishes to bring your vision to life. Some other reasons to hire an interior decorator include:

  • You have a clear vision for your space and just need help executing it.
  • You prefer a certain style or aesthetic and want someone who specializes in that area.
  • You don’t need any structural changes to your space and just want to focus on the decorative elements.

What to Look for When Hiring an Interior Decorator or Designer

Whether you decide to hire an interior decorator or an interior designer, there are some key things to look for when selecting a professional to work with:

  • Reputation: Look for someone with a good reputation in your local area. Ask for references and check online reviews.
  • Experience: Make sure the professional you choose has experience working on projects similar to yours.
  • Agreement: Make sure you have a clear agreement in place before work begins, including the scope of the project, timeline, and budget.
  • Degree: If you’re hiring an interior designer, make sure they have a degree in interior design or a related field.
  • Ability to Handle Changes: Make sure the professional you choose is able to handle changes and adapt to your needs throughout the project.


So, that’s what interior means. It’s the space inside a building, including the arrangement and decoration of the space. 

You can use this knowledge when choosing an interior decorator or interior designer, and you can also use it to make your space more productive and creative.

I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.