Liquid: A Comprehensive Guide to Properties and Examples

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  June 24, 2022
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A liquid is a state of matter characterized by molecules that are close enough to each other to form temporary bonds (adhesion) and move around each other (fluidity). Liquids have a definite volume and take the shape of a container. They’re mostly found in nature.

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

What is a liquid

Examples of Liquids: More Than Just Water

When we talk about liquids, we’re referring to a state of matter. Unlike solids, which have a fixed shape and volume, and gases, which expand to fill any container, liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container. Some properties of liquids include:

  • Nearly incompressible: Liquids have a fixed volume, which means they’re difficult to compress. This is due to the fact that the molecules in a liquid are close together and have little freedom of movement.
  • Density: Liquids are characterized by their density, which is the mass per unit volume. The density of a liquid is affected by temperature and pressure, but for a certain type of substance, the density remains constant.
  • Cohesion and Adhesion: Liquids have the property of cohesion, which means that the molecules are attracted to each other. They also have the property of adhesion, which means that they’re attracted to the surface of a solid.
  • Viscosity: Liquids have a certain resistance to flow, which is known as viscosity. This property is affected by temperature and the chemical composition of the liquid.

Examples of Liquids

When we think of liquids, the first thing that comes to mind is usually water. However, there are many other examples of liquids, including:

  • Vegetable oil: This is a common cooking oil that is immiscible with water, meaning it doesn’t mix with water.
  • Alcohol: This is a common liquid that is miscible with water, meaning it mixes with water.
  • Mercury: This is a metallic element that is liquid at room temperature. It’s characterized by its high density and is commonly used in thermometers.
  • Rubidium: This is another metallic element that is liquid at elevated temperatures.
  • Chemicals: There are many chemicals that exist in liquid form, including some that are abundant in our daily lives, such as gasoline and cleaning products.

Liquids and Their Properties

The properties of liquids can lead to some interesting phenomena. For example:

  • Liquids can change shape: Unlike solids, which have a fixed shape, liquids can take the shape of their container. This property is due to the fact that the molecules in a liquid are relatively free to move around.
  • Liquids fill containers: Although liquids don’t expand to fill a container like gases, they do fill the container they’re in. This is because liquids have a fixed volume.
  • Liquids disperse on surfaces: When a liquid is placed on a surface, it will disperse until it reaches a state of equilibrium. This is due to the properties of cohesion and adhesion.

What Makes Liquids Unique?

Liquids are a fascinating state of matter that have properties that distinguish them from solids and gases. Here are some key properties of liquids:

  • Volume: Liquids have a definite volume, meaning they take up a specific amount of space.
  • Shape: Liquids take the shape of their container due to the unbalanced forces between their particles.
  • Cohesive forces: The molecules in a liquid are attracted to each other, resulting in surface tension and the ability to form drops.
  • Viscosity: Liquids have a measure of their resistance to flow, which can differ greatly depending on the type of liquid. For example, water has a low viscosity, while honey has a high viscosity.
  • Surface tension: Liquids have a property called surface tension, which is the result of cohesive forces between particles at the surface of the liquid. This property is important in many processes, such as capillary action.
  • Evaporation: Liquids can change into a gas phase through a process called evaporation, which requires energy to break the bonds between particles.

The Differences Between Liquids and Solids

While liquids and solids are both considered condensed phases of matter, there are distinct differences between the two:

  • Shape: Solids have a fixed shape, while liquids take the shape of their container.
  • Particles: The particles in a solid are arranged in a fixed pattern, while the particles in a liquid are free to move around each other.
  • Volume: Solids have a fixed volume, while liquids have a definite volume but can change shape.
  • Cohesion: Cohesive forces are stronger in solids than in liquids, resulting in a higher surface tension.

The Importance of Understanding Liquid Properties

Understanding the properties of liquids is important in many areas, including:

  • Chemistry: Knowing the properties of liquids is required to describe the behavior of compounds and to measure their physical and chemical changes.
  • Physics: The study of liquids is important in understanding the behavior of fluids, which is key in many areas of physics.
  • Earth science: The properties of liquids are important in understanding the behavior of water on Earth, including its role in the water cycle and its impact on the environment.

Measuring Liquid Properties

There are many ways to measure the properties of liquids, including:

  • Viscosity: The resistance to flow can be measured using a viscometer.
  • Surface tension: The surface tension of a liquid can be measured using a tensiometer.
  • Density: The mass per unit volume of a liquid can be measured using a hydrometer.
  • Boiling point: The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas phase can be measured using a thermometer.

The Future of Liquid Research

There is still a lot to learn about liquids, and research in this area is ongoing. Some key areas of focus include:

  • Complex liquids: Liquids that have a more complex structure than simple liquids, such as polymers and liquid crystals.
  • High-pressure liquids: Liquids that are subjected to high pressures, such as those found deep within the Earth.
  • Hot liquids: Liquids that are heated to high temperatures, such as those used in industrial processes.

Changing States: A Matter of Phases

Melting is the transition from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • When a solid is heated, its molecules start to vibrate faster and faster.
  • At a certain point, the molecules have enough energy to break free from their fixed positions and start to move around.
  • This is when the solid starts to melt and becomes a liquid.

From Liquid to Solid: Freezing

Freezing is the opposite of melting. It is the transition from the liquid phase to the solid phase. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • When a liquid is cooled, its molecules start to move slower and slower.
  • At a certain point, the molecules lose enough energy to move around and start to settle into fixed positions.
  • This is when the liquid starts to freeze and becomes a solid.

From Liquid to Gas: Evaporation

Evaporation is the transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • When a liquid is heated, its molecules start to move faster and faster.
  • At a certain point, the molecules have enough energy to break free from the surface of the liquid and become a gas.
  • This is when the liquid starts to evaporate and becomes a gas.

From Gas to Liquid: Condensation

Condensation is the opposite of evaporation. It is the transition from the gas phase to the liquid phase. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • When a gas is cooled, its molecules start to move slower and slower.
  • At a certain point, the molecules lose enough energy to stay together and start to form a liquid.
  • This is when the gas starts to condense and becomes a liquid.

Changing states of matter is a fascinating process that happens all around us. Whether it’s the ice melting in your drink or the steam rising from your morning coffee, understanding the phases of matter can help us appreciate the world in a whole new way.

Water’s Sticky Nature: Cohesion and Adhesion

Cohesion and adhesion are related to the surface tension of liquids. Surface tension is the force that causes the surface of a liquid to contract and form a shape that minimizes the surface area. Cohesion is responsible for the surface tension of water, while adhesion allows water to stick to other surfaces.

Examples of Cohesion and Adhesion in Action

Here are some examples of cohesion and adhesion in everyday life:

  • A water droplet on a shiny surface forms a nearly spherical shape because of the cohesive forces between water molecules.
  • Water in a container can cause the container to become wet due to adhesion.
  • Capillary action, which allows water to move through narrow tubes, is a result of both cohesion and adhesion.
  • The meniscus, the curved surface of a liquid in a container, is caused by the balance between cohesive and adhesive forces.

The Effects of Cohesion and Adhesion

The strength of cohesive and adhesive forces depends on the type of liquid and the surface it is in contact with. Here are some effects of cohesion and adhesion:

  • Water beads up on a waxed surface because the cohesive forces between water molecules are greater than the adhesive forces between water and the wax.
  • Paint tends to flatten out on a glass surface because the adhesive forces between the paint and glass are greater than the cohesive forces between the paint molecules.
  • Mercury forms a concave meniscus inside a narrow glass tube because the adhesive forces between mercury and glass are greater than the cohesive forces between mercury molecules.
  • Soap bubbles have a tendency to form spheres because of the balance between cohesive and adhesive forces.

Cohesion and adhesion are fascinating properties of liquids that allow them to form different shapes and interact with other objects. Understanding these properties can help us save water and use it more efficiently in our daily lives.

The Sticky Business of Viscosity

Viscosity is a term used in physics and physical chemistry to describe the resistance of a liquid to flow. It is a measure of the internal friction of a liquid and is affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the size and shape of the molecules that make up the liquid.

How is Viscosity Measured?

Viscosity is typically measured using a device called a viscometer, which measures the time it takes for a liquid to flow through a narrow tube or channel. The viscosity of a liquid is expressed in units of poise or centipoise, with one poise equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter.

What are Some Problems Associated with Viscosity?

While viscosity is an important property of liquids, it can also cause problems in certain situations. For example, high viscosity can make it difficult to pump liquids through pipelines, while low viscosity can lead to leakage and other issues.

Resources for Further Discussion

If you’re interested in learning more about viscosity and its role in the behavior of liquids, there are many resources available online and in print. Some useful sources of information include:

  • Textbooks on physical chemistry and condensed matter physics
  • Scientific journals such as Physical Review Letters and Journal of Chemical Physics
  • Online forums and discussion boards for scientists and researchers
  • Websites and blogs dedicated to the study of liquids and their properties

Evaporation: The Science Behind Liquid to Vapor Transformation

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid changes into a gaseous state. It occurs when the molecules in a liquid gain enough kinetic energy to escape the forces that hold them together. The energy required for this process is called heat, and it can be given in the form of sunlight, cooking, or any other source of heat. When a liquid is heated, its molecules move faster, and the chances of having enough energy to escape the liquid phase increase.

The Role of Temperature and Pressure

The temperature and pressure of the surrounding area play a significant role in the evaporation process. When the temperature is higher, the molecules in the liquid have greater kinetic energy, and it becomes easier for them to escape the liquid phase. On the other hand, when the pressure is lower, the molecules have more space to move around, and it becomes easier for them to escape the liquid phase.

Evaporation vs. Vaporization

Evaporation is often confused with vaporization, but they are not the same thing. Vaporization is the process by which a liquid is converted into a gas, and it can happen at any temperature. Evaporation, on the other hand, only happens at the surface of a liquid and only when the liquid is below its boiling point.

Evaporation in Different Environments

Evaporation can happen in any environment, but it happens more quickly in warmer and drier environments. Here are some specific examples:

  • Evaporation happens more quickly in hot and dry climates than in cold and humid climates.
  • Evaporation happens more quickly at higher altitudes because the air pressure is lower.
  • Evaporation happens more quickly in areas with a wide distribution of oxygen in the air.
  • Evaporation happens more quickly in shaded areas because there is less direct sunlight to heat the liquid.

Condensation and the Water Cycle

When water vapor in the atmosphere cools down, it eventually turns back into a liquid through a process called condensation. This liquid can then fall back to the Earth’s surface as precipitation, completing the water cycle.

The Science Behind Volatility of Liquids

Volatility is the tendency of a substance to vaporize or evaporate. It is closely related to the vapor pressure of a liquid, which is the measure of the substance’s tendency to escape into the gas phase. The volatility of a liquid depends on a number of factors, including the size and shape of its individual molecules, the strength of the bonding between neighboring atoms or particles, and the energy required to break those bonds and allow the substance to transform from a liquid to a gas.

The Importance of Vapor Pressure

Vapor pressure is a measure of the relative degree of volatility of a liquid. It is the pressure exerted by the vapor of a substance in a closed container at a given temperature. The higher the vapor pressure, the more volatile the liquid. This property is important in determining the boiling point of a liquid, as well as its tendency to evaporate.

Flammability and Volatility

The flammability of a substance is closely related to its volatility. Volatile liquids that have a low flash point, which is the temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air, are considered highly flammable. This is why it is important to handle volatile liquids with care and in accordance with safety regulations.

The Industrial Uses of Volatile Liquids

Volatile liquids are commonly used in industrial processes, such as:

  • Solvents: used to dissolve other substances in the manufacturing of various products.
  • Fuels: used as a source of energy in engines and other machinery.
  • Cleaning agents: used to clean and disinfect surfaces in various industries.

In conclusion, the volatility of liquids is a complex process that depends on a number of factors, including the properties of the individual molecules, the temperature, and the presence of other substances. Understanding the science behind volatility is important in a number of industries, from manufacturing to energy production.


So, that’s what a liquid is. A liquid is a state of matter unlike solids, characterized by a fixed volume and a fluid shape, and including nearly everything we see around us every day. 

You can’t really understand liquids without understanding the properties of cohesion and adhesion, and you can’t really understand those without understanding molecules and atoms. So, I hope this guide has given you a better understanding of what liquids are.

I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.