Wijzonol paint
Known for its stains, and Wijzonol paint has a long standing reputation.
Wijzonol paint has been known for a long time.

I have many customers where I use Wijzonol paint.
I always paint m
With a paint system that has already been used at the customer.
It does not matter which paint system.
Whether sikkens paint or sigma paint has been applied.
You can also add Wijzonol paint to that list.
I have good experiences with this.
In principle, I stick to 1 paint system.
But if the customer uses a different one than I do, I choose that.
Unless I find that the paint system has not been right.
By this I mean that some types of wood need a moisture-regulating paint such as stain or an EPS system.
If I find that this has not been the case, I will switch to another system.
Click here to buy stain in my webshop
Wijzonol paint is very good moisture regulating.
Wijzonol paint or stain I must say is very well known for its moisture-regulating properties.
These Wijzonol paints are suitable for surfaces that are slightly moister than normal surfaces.
With some types of wood, such as red cedar, garden wood and other soft woods, it is important that you apply this paint.
After all, the moisture must be able to get out and not in.
Wijzonol paint has a range of products: from lacquer paint to latex paint.
There is a product for every type of wood.
I myself have good experiences with Wijzonol opaque semi-gloss.
This is a 1 pot system where you can use the same paint as primer and as a finishing layer.
Also as an intermediate layer.
You can use this paint especially for wood species that require moisture regulation.
You can smooth out this paint nicely and the durability is quite long too.
Your wood remains well protected between 4 and 6 years.
Provided, of course, that you keep your wood clean regularly.
Click here to buy stain in my webshop
Wijzonol paint and latex paint.
In addition to the lacquer paint, I also have a good experience with a latex paint.
Wijzotex extra mat is a scrub-resistant latex with absolutely no deposits.
This latex is easy to clean and bridging cracks.
What also strikes me about the wall paint is that it hardly discolours after some time.
It is definitely worth a recommendation!
I am not going to discuss all products from Wijzonol here.
Painting fun is for sharing knowledge together.
My question to you now is therefore: Who has good experiences with a product from Wijzonol?
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Pete deVries.
I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.