Vinyl wallpaper has a smooth layer and vinyl wallpaper comes in several types.
If you want to furnish a house with furniture and the like, you also want the walls to have a certain look.
You can do this in several ways.

Usually the walls of new homes are paint ready or wallpaper ready.
Then you have to make the choice what you want.
If you want to have everything super tight, choose a latex paint.
If you want to create a certain look, you can choose wallpaper.
Wallpaper is again divided into many types of wallpaper.
You have wallpaper paper, glass fabric wallpaper and vinyl wallpaper.
These are the 3 types that are most used.
I have written an article about wallpaper before.
Read the article about this here.
I also made a blog about glass fiber wallpaper.
If you also want to know more about this wallpaper, CLICK HERE.
In this article I am going to talk about vinyl wallpaper.
Vinyl wallpaper consists of different types.
This wallpaper consists of two layers.
A top layer and a bottom layer.
The top layer is the actual wallpaper that you see on the walls.
The bottom layer is glued to the walls.
The top layer is smooth and easy to clean.
The wallpaper is therefore very suitable for damp rooms such as a kitchen and a shower.
What is also an advantage compared to regular wallpaper is that you can simply apply the glue to the wall.
This means that you can work more easily and the wallpaper will not shrink.
Wallpaper with a ready-made glue.
To stick vinyl wallpaper you can buy ready-made glue.
Perfax wallpaper glue has this glue in stock, among other things.
I have worked with it several times myself and it is a good glue.
It is always recommended that you remove the old wallpaper first.
When there is vinyl wallpaper on it, you can do this with a wallpaper steamer.
When you have new walls, you must apply a primer latex beforehand.
This is for the bonding of the glue.
If you don’t do this, your vinyl wallpaper will roll off in no time.
What is also a good feature of this wallpaper is that you can paint it.
By that I mean you can paint a latex over it.
Beware of plasticizers in the latex.
If you want to find out if the latex is suitable, do a small test piece.
If the latex stays in place then it’s good.
Read the article about painting wallpaper here.
Vinyl paper has four types.
This is how you have vinyl with paper.
This is most commonly used by private individuals.
It comes close to regular paper wallpaper, but with the difference that the top layer is made of vinyl or plastic.
Hence you can also clean it.
In addition, textiles are also used.
It is a kind of linen that is used for this.
This wallpaper is also much stronger and is often used in offices and hospitals.
This wallpaper is much easier to clean.
It can even withstand aggressive substances.
Thirdly, foam vinyl is used.
This wallpaper is quite thick. Up to three millimeters.
An advantage of this wallpaper is that it is shock-resistant.
This is often used in sports halls.
The last type is foamed vinyl.
It kind of looks like decorative plaster.
You can also just put a latex over it after that time.
The disadvantage of this wallpaper is that it gets dirty faster.
After all, it is not smooth but with a structure.
And so you see that there are a range of options to give your walls a beautiful look.
Vinyl wallpaper is easy to apply yourself.
It doesn’t stretch or pull.
Apply the glue to the wall and stick it dry against it.
You can then move around a bit.
You cannot do this with wallpaper.
You just have to give it a try.
Believe me.
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Pete deVries.
I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.