I can feel your emotion for your favorite pet. As a pet parent, you must want to give the highest comfort to your dog and that is why you are here to check the ideas of DIY dog beds.
Today I have brought 5 simple ideas to DIY dog beds by your own. These ideas are easy to implement and also do not take much time to accomplish.
The tools and materials I have used in these selected projects are simple and available in our home. Yes, you may need to buy some materials and tools depending on the project you are choosing but those items are small in number.

Some projects require sewing skill. If you already have this skill then it will be easier for you but if you do not have this skill, then I will recommend taking the project as an opportunity to learn a new skill.
In this post we'll cover:
How to Make DIY Rolling Pallet Dog Bed
Every pet parent wants to give the best care to their beloved dogs. And when it comes to dog beds, the selection can be especially intimidating.
Normally, your dog sleeps in your own bed or on the couch, but that is not always ideal for your dog. Your dog needs a spot to retreat, a place to lay his own. It is one of your dog’s basic needs- a great bed!
There are lots of different kinds of dog bed that will form the foundation of your choice of the right resting and sleeping furniture for your pet dog but the basic types include standard, nest, donut, rolling pallet, orthopedic, kennel, raised, covered, heated, cooling dog bed, and travel dog beds, etc.

Our today’s topic of discussion is rolling pallet dog bed. In this article, I will show you how easily you can make a DIY rolling pallet bed for your lovely cute dog. But before that, I would like to give you a basic idea about all the types of dog beds that I have mentioned.
Factors Determining Good Quality Rolling Pallet Dog Bed
With numerous varieties, choosing a dog bed can be harder than it looks. There are some factors you need to consider when choosing the right bed for your dog. They are:
- Size
- Sleeping behavior of your dog
- Chewing behavior of your dog
- Dog’s existing health condition
- Budget
Let’s start the process of making a DIY rolling pallet bed for your dog.
Required Materials for a Rolling Pallet Dog Bed
- An old/new pallet
- Four wheels
- Drill Machine
- Random Orbit Sander
- 80 grit sandpaper
- 120 grit sandpaper
- 4x steel swivel caster
- Wood glue
- Wood screws
- 4x corner brace.
7 Easy Steps to Make a Rolling Pallet Dog Bed
For DIY projects pallet is a great raw material. Here we are showing the steps of making a rolling pallet dog bed but you also can make a dog house out of pallets.
Step 1
First of all, you need a pallet whatever it is old or new. If you have it then congrats but if not, you have to search for a pallet.

Now, if you don’t need the whole of it, you can mark which part you needed of it by the marker and cut down by reciprocating saw according to the line you have marked before. After that, you can use the smaller or extra part of the pallet, going to be the headboard of the bed.
Step 2

Next, you need to take your orbit sander sand the entire pallet, first with 80 grit sandpaper and then 120 grit sandpaper just to make sure that the pallet is smooth enough and nothing can hurt your beloved dog.
Step 3

Then you can print the color of your choice and brush it in the headboard of the bed if you want to add your dog’s name. This step is totally optional. It’s just for adding a little bit of fun.
Step 4

After that, if you notice extra wood and you don’t have enough screws to go through it, then take your reciprocating saw and cut it off.
Step 5

Then take some screws and drill them each side to secure them. Now you can use the extra pall pieces in the side like the arms of the bed. Cut it off as the bed’s length. Put down some wood glue along the bottom of the bed and fix the arms.
Step 6

Now, you need to take some screws on the sided of the arms to secure them. Then you need to enforce them with 4x corner braces. You need to put two of them on each side and drilled them in.
Step 7

Up to next to flip the bed and then screwed a wheel at each corner. Lastly, add a blanket on the bed. There are also baskets to go in the pallet slots for toys and things.
5 more Simple DOG Bed Projects
1. Dog Bed from a Recycled Tire

Instead of throwing the old tire away you can use it to make a beautiful bed for your dog. You will need not more than 2 hours to turn an old tire into a colorful bed for your dog. The following tools and materials are required for this project:
- An old tire
- Spray paint for rubber material
- Brush
- Soap
- Water
- Sticky felt pad
- Round pet bed
How to Make a Dog Bed from a Recycled Tire?
Step 1
The first step is cleaning because paint does not adhere to a dirty tire. So, at first, you have to clean the tire with soap and water using a brush. If there are any tiny rocks stuck in the tread clean those also using a nail.

Step 2
The second step is drying. Once you have cleaned all the dirt, dust and tiny rocks from the tire and washed it with water you have to make it dry.

Step 3
When the tire is dried completely it is time for painting with your favorite color. You cannot paint the whole body of the tire at once and it may need several sessions to complete the total tire.

After completing a session you have to make that part dry and then start the next session and in this way, you have to paint the whole tire.
Step 4
Now it is time to bring the tire inside your home and laying the tire down stuff a round pillow or dog bed inside the tire. It is a good idea to use felt sticky feet or furniture sliders with the tire to protect the floor from sticking the paint on it.

And the bed is ready for your cute puppy.
2. DIY T-Shirt Dog Tent

You can make a cute tent from an old T-shirt for your dog. If your dog is not big in size you can take initiative for this project. You need the following tools and materials for this project:
- A medium size t-shirt
- A cardboard
- Tape
- Safety pin
- Two wire hangers
- A large pair of pliers to cut and bend the hangers
How to DIY T-shirt Dog tent?
Step 1
Firstly you have to cut off the squiggly ends of the hanger and give it a curved shape so that it goes from one corner to the other of the cardboard.
If the cardboard you are using has a crease in it we will suggest you to tape on a couple supports to the cardboard and tape all around the edges. It will increase the stability of your cardboard.
Step 2
The second step is to poke a hole on each corner of the cardboard. The size of the holes should not be too large to fit the hangers.
Step 3
The next step is to cross both hangers in the middle and tape those together so that they do not shift. While crossing both hangers make it sure that all the ends touch the surface you are working on. And then push the ends through the holes you have made in step 2.
Step 4
After pushing the ends through the holes bend one inch on the rear part of each hanger so that it sits beautifully against the cardboard. Then tape the ends well so that it won’t snag the T-shirt when you pull it over.
Step 5
In the previous 4 steps, you just made the frame of the tent and now it is time to make the tent. Bring the T-shirt you have chosen to make the tent and pull it over the frame you have made.
Position the T-shirt in such a way so that the neck hole remains in the middle of the front and the bottom part is trailing behind the frame of the tent. Then flip it up so the rear portion is facing you and the hole is pointing upwards.
Then fold up the excess portion of the T-shirt from the bottom part and tightening it up to add safety pin in the bottom place. After that pulling the sleeves tightly add their safety pin too so that it remains tightly over the frame.
The tent is ready for your cute little puppy.
3. DIY Vintage Suitcase Bed for Your Dog

If there is an old vintage suitcase in your home you can convert it into a comfortable bed for your dog. It is an easy project that needs the following tools and materials to complete:
- Old vintage suitcase
- Pillow and pillow sham
- Hammer
- Screwdriver
How to Make Dog Bed from Vintage Suitcase?
Step 1
In some suitcases, the top and bottom part are hinged together and in some suitcase, both of the parts are attached by some other means. If the top and bottom part of your vintage suitcase is hinged together then the work has become easier for you. To loosen the top part from the bottom you just have to unscrew it.
On the other hand, if the parts are attached by some other means you may need to break it by hammering and loosen the top part from the bottom part.
Step 2
The next step is to cover a pillow with a sham and place it in the suitcase and tuck the corners in. If the size of your pillow fits in the suitcase then you are lucky and if not you have to custom your own pillow.
Now welcome your dog to his new bed.
4. DIY Sweat Shirt Dog Bed

Here is another cool idea to make a comfortable bed for your dog. If you have a little sewing skill you can start this project. You need the following tools and materials for this project:
- Old Sweatshirt
- Thread
- Sewing Machine
- Marker Chalk
- Pins
- Ruler
How to DIY Sweat Shirt Dog Bed?
Step 1
Turn the sweatshirt inside out gather the edges of the collar and sew the collars with a sewing machine. Do not forget to leave a small portion of it to keep open.
Step 2
Then stretching the hoodie with pins mark a straight line with the marker chalk from one armpit to the other. Use the ruler to make the line straight.
Then sew it to join the front and back of the grid, following the marked line. After completing the sewing remove the pin that you have attached.
Step 3
Then keeping the sleeves along the body of the sweatshirt pin to the sides. Keep the cuffs open since there is another task you have to compete with the open cuffs.
Step 4
Through the open cuffs now insert acrylic blanket or foam into it. If there is any chopped leftover of fabric you can insert those through the cuffs also. Then fill the belly of the sweatshirt with a soft pillow.
Step 5
Now sew the cuff together and join them. To cover the sewed portion you can cover it with a piece of other fabric.
The bed is ready to welcome your lovely dog.
5. DIY Drawer Dog Bed

If there is any unused drawer in your home or storeroom you can convert those into cool bed for your dogs. You need
- A medium size drawer
- Paint
- Pillow
How to DIY Drawer Dog Bed?
Step 1
The first step is cleaning the drawer. If the drawer is made of wood then it is better not to use water for cleaning purpose rather use a dry and clean rug to remove the dirt and dust from it.
Step 2
After cleaning the drawer start painting it with your chosen paint but if the existed paint of the drawer is fine you do not have to perform this step, just jump to step 3.
Step 3
Bring a pillow that nicely fits with the drawer. If you do not have any pillow in your collection that fits with the drawer then solve the problem by customizing the size of the pillow.
And the bed is ready to welcome your puppy.
Different Types of Dog Beds
DIY dog bed ideas are getting popular among the dog lovers. Here I am introducing you with some common types of dog beds.
Rolling Pallet Dog Beds
Rolling pallet dog bed is absolutely perfect for anyone who has a dog that stays by your side all the time. You can scoot the dog near you when you are working in a garage or anywhere. Where your dog doesn’t have a perfect or comfortable place to lay. You can move this bed anywhere you want.
Standard Dog Beds
Standard beds are great for all dogs breeds, but may not offer the support needed for senior dogs or dog with orthopedic problems.
Nest Dog Beds
Best beds work well for any kind of dog that likes to curl up or lean back.
Donut Dog Beds
Donut beds are great for dogs that like to curl up and get cozy. However, some old or weak dogs may have trouble getting in and out of these beds because they are so plush.
Orthopedic Dog Bed
Orthopedic beds are especially good for senior dogs or those with orthopedic problems.
Kennel Dog Bed
Kennel/crate beds are suitable for all types of dogs. Older or thin, bony dogs should always have beds in their kennels or crates.
Raised Dog Beds
Raised dog beds may not be appropriate for dogs with orthopedic problems or breeds prone to back problems. Jumping to and the bed could cause harm or discomfort.
Covered Dog Beds
Covered dog beds are great for all types of dogs, but small breeds tend to be especially fond of them. These beds are also wonderful for shy dogs that might like to hide.
Heated Dog Beds
Heated beds can benefit all types of dogs, thin or tiny dogs may benefit the most. Outdoor dogs will do better in colder seasons of they have access to a heated bed.
Cooling Dog Beds
Cooling dog beds are great for any type of dog, breeds with a tendency to overheat will benefit the most.
Travel Dog Beds
If you enjoy traveling with your dog, then you may want to consider keeping a travel bed on hand. Travel beds are wonderful for any dog that likes to travel!
Final Touch
After making a comfortable bed for your dog do not think that you have done your responsibility, you just have opened a new door of responsibility. To ensure proper hygiene do not forget to clean the bed on a regular basis.
It is better to keep more than one mattress, I mean keeping two mattresses is a good practice. If you do not keep the mattress or bed clean and dry your dog may get affected by so many diseases and a sick pet will cause you so many troubles and mental pressure.
Another most important thing you should not forget while making a bed for your dog is the size of it. If the bed is bigger than your dog’s size then there will be no problem but if the bed is smaller than its size your dog will not feel comfortable to take rest or sleep on it.
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I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.