Due to the climate in the Netherlands, our windows can sometimes have to endure. Good protection of the woodwork is therefore certainly not unimportant.
One of those protections is the maintenance of the outside frames. By ensuring that the good paint layer remains on it, the frames remain in good condition.
You can read how best to paint the outside windows in this article, together with the necessary items you need for this.

In this post we'll cover:
The step-by-step plan
- If you want to paint the frames outside, good preparation is needed. Therefore, first start by degreasing the surface by means of a bucket of warm water and a little degreaser.
- Then you look for the weak points in the frame. This is best done by pressing it firmly with a screwdriver or with your thumb.
- Then remove all dirt and loose paint with a brush and a paint scraper.
- Is there paint on your frame that is still fairly well attached, but where small blisters can already be seen? Then these must also be removed. a quick way to do this is with a paint dryer. It is important to wear work gloves, a mask and safety glasses because harmful fumes can be released.
- Scrape off the paint while it is still warm. Finish the entire surface until the area to be treated is bare. It is important that you place the scraper straight on the wood and do not apply too much force. When you damage the wood, this also means extra work to repair the wood again.
- If there are rotten parts in the wood, cut them out with a chisel. Wipe the loosened wood away with a soft brush. You then treat the protruded spot with wood rot stop.
- After this has dried for six hours, you can repair the frames with wood roll filler. You do this by pushing the filler firmly into the openings with a putty knife and finishing it as smooth as possible. Large holes can be filled in several layers, but this must be done layer by layer. after six hours, the filler can be sanded and painted over.
- After everything has hardened, sand the entire frame. Then brush the frame with a soft brush and then wipe it with a damp cloth.
- Then seal the windows with masking tape. For the corners, you can use a putty knife to tear off the edges sharply.
- All places where you see bare wood and where you have repaired the parts, are now primed. Do this with a round brush and paint along the length of the frame.
- If you have primed the frame, minor imperfections may become visible. You can treat these with putty, in layers of 1 millimeter. Make sure that it is not thicker, because then the filler will sag. Apply the putty on a wide putty knife and then use a narrow putty knife for filling. You put the knife straight on the surface and pull the putty over the spot in a smooth movement. Then let it harden well.
- After this, you sand the entire frame smooth, including the primed parts.
- Then seal all the cracks and seams with acrylic sealant. You do this by cutting the sealant tube to the screw thread, turning the nozzle back and cutting it diagonally. You then do this in the caulking gun. Place the sprayer at an angle on the surface so that the nozzle is straight on it. You spray the sealant evenly between the seams. Excess sealant can be removed immediately with your finger or a damp cloth.
- As soon as the sealant can be painted over, apply an extra layer of primer. Allow this to fully wear out and sand the entire frame again lightly. You can then remove dust with a breast and a damp cloth.
- Now you can start painting the frame. Make sure the brush is saturated but not dripping and apply the first coat of paint. Start at the corners and edges along the windows and then paint the long sections along the length of the frame. If you also have large parts, such as shutters, you can paint them with a small roller.
- After the paint job, go over it again with a narrow roller for a nicer and more even result. For maximum coverage, you need at least two coats of paint. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly between coats and sand it with fine sandpaper each time.
What do you need?
If you want to paint the frames outside, you need quite a bit of material. Fortunately, you will already have a large part in the shed, and the rest can be easily obtained at the hardware store. Make sure you really have everything at home, so that you don’t suddenly have to leave in between to buy something that you have forgotten.
- paint scraper
- wood chisel
- Paint roller with paint bracket
- round brush
- putty knife
- caulking gun
- Screwdriver
- Safety glasses
- work gloves
- Soft brush
- snap-off blade
- primer
- lacquer paint
- sandpaper
- Wood rot plug
- Wood rot filler
- quick putty
- acrylic sealant
- masking tape
- degreaser
Extra painting tips
Unscrew all hinges and locks from the woodwork before you start this job and make sure that your paint, your acrylic sealant, your brushes and your paint rollers are suitable for outdoor work. Hand in the paint remnants at the waste station or put them in the chemo cart. Dried brushes and rollers can be disposed of with the residual waste.
Painting outside frames
Painting outside frames according to a procedure and painting outside frames can also be done yourself
As a painter I like to paint exterior frames. When you’re working outside, everything is more colorful. Everyone is happy when the sun is shining. Painting exterior frames does require some patience. By that I mean that you have to make good preparations and that the topcoat is done properly. But if you work according to procedures, it should all work out. There are plenty of tools these days that make the job easy for you to do it yourself.
Painting exterior frames depending on the weather
You have to have good weather to paint outside frames. You must have an ideal temperature and a good relative humidity. The ideal conditions are therefore a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of approximately 65 percent. The best months to paint are from May to August. If you read this like this, you actually only have four months with ideal conditions. Of course you can sometimes start as early as March. This depends on the weather. You can still paint in good weather in September and October. That is, temperatures above 15 degrees. The disadvantage is often that you often have fog in those months and that you cannot start early. This also applies to stopping painting on that day. You can also not persevere for too long, otherwise the moisture will hit your paintwork. And the drying process takes longer.
Painting exterior frames and the preparation
Painting exterior frames requires preparation. If they are new windows or have already been painted. In both cases you have to deliver good preliminary work. In this example we assume that the frames have already been painted and are ready for the next painting. I also assume that you will do the job yourself. Schilderpret is also aimed at that you can do it yourself in the long run.
Painting exterior frames starts with degreasing and sanding
Painting exterior frames starts with a good cleaning of the surface. We also call this degreasing. (We assume a frame that is still intact and that there is no loose paint on it.) Take an all-purpose cleaner, a bucket and a cloth. Add some all-purpose cleaner to the water and start degreasing.
I use B-clean myself and have a good experience with it. If you want more information about this, click here. When you have finished degreasing and the surface is dry, you can start sanding. Use 180-grit sandpaper for this.
Also sand well in the corners and be careful not to hit the glass when sanding. You can prevent this by resting your hand on the glass while sanding.
Then make everything dust-free and then wipe everything with a tack cloth. Then wait for the frame to really dry and then start with the next step.
Painting exterior frames with tools
It is best to use tools when painting exterior frames. By that I mean a tape to tape the glass to the glazing beads. Use painter’s tape for this. The advantage of a painter’s tape is that it has colors that are suitable for a certain purpose. Read more about painter’s tape here. Start taping at the top of a window frame. Stay a millimeter from the kit.
Make sure you press the sealant well. To do this, take a cloth and a putty knife and go over the entire tape. Then you tape the left and right of the glazing bars and the last the bottom one. Now you first take a quick primer and only paint between the tape and the glazing beads. Click here for which fast track you should take. Remove the tape after about ten minutes.
Painting and finishing exterior frames
When the fast soil has hardened, you can sand it lightly and make it dust-free. Then you start painting. You now have nice clean lines to paint along. When painting from top to bottom, always use your hand as a support against the glass. Or you can do without it. Always start with the top glazing bar first and then finish the frame section adjacent to it. Then the left and right side of the frame. Finally, paint the lower part of the frame. I would like to give you some tips here: Stir the paint well first. Make sure your brush is clean. First, go over the brush with sandpaper to get rid of the loose hairs. Fill the brush one-third full with paint. Spread the paint well. put something on the windowsill to catch any splashes. When the paintwork is finished, wait at least 14 days before cleaning the windows. I want to finish painting exterior frames.
Painting exterior door
Exterior door painting must be maintained and exterior door painting always use a high-gloss paint.
Painting an exterior door can certainly be done yourself.
It depends on what kind of exterior door you have to paint.
Is it a solid door or is it a glass door?
Often these doors are made of glass.
Nowadays even with double glazing.
Painting an exterior door requires the necessary attention and must be maintained regularly.
It also depends on which side this outer door is.
Does it sit on the sunny and rainy side or is there almost never no sun.
You often see a roof at such a door.
Then the maintenance is a lot less.
After all, there will be no rain or sun on the door itself.
Nevertheless, it remains an important thing that you maintain an exterior door regularly.
Exterior door painting with pre-checks.
Painting an exterior door requires you to have a plan of action.
By this I mean that you need to know a certain order.
Before you start painting, check to see if there is any damage or if the paint is peeling off.
It is also important that you check the kit work.
Based on this, you know what to buy in terms of materials and tools.
When painting an exterior door, you can also do an adhesion test beforehand.
Take a piece of painter’s tape and stick it on the paint layer.
Then remove the tape with 1 jerk after about 1 minute.
If you see that there is paint residue on it, you will have to paint that door.
Then don’t update it, but paint it completely.
Painting a house entrance with what paint.
Painting a house entrance has to be done with the right paint.
I always opt for a turpentine based paint.
I know that there are also paint brands that allow you to paint outside with water-based paint.
I still prefer a turpentine based paint.
This is partly due to my experiences with this.
Have had to convert many homes from acrylic paint to alkyd paint.
You should always paint an exterior door with a high-gloss paint.
The door is constantly under weather influences.
This high-gloss paint protects you better against that.
The surface is smooth and the dirt adhesion is much less.
If you want to know which paint to use for this, click here: high-gloss paint.
Painting an entrance how do you approach this.
Painting an entrance must be carried out according to a procedure.
In this example we assume that a door has already been painted.
The first thing to do is to scrape off the loose paint with a paint scraper.
You can then remove the sealant if necessary.
If you see brown spots on the sealant, it is better to remove it.
Read the article about removing sealant here.
Then you degrease the door with an all-purpose cleaner.
I myself use B-clean for this.
I use this because it is biodegradable and you don’t have to rinse.
If you also want to use this, you can order it here.
Then you sand.
The areas that you have treated with a paint scraper will have to be sanded evenly.
By this I mean that you should not feel a transition between the bare spot and the painted surface.
When you’re done sanding, clean everything well and make it dust-free.
Then you ground the spots.
A accesspainting in any order.
You have to do painting an entrance in a certain order.
We assume that we are going to paint a door with glass in it.
If you want to do this yourself, just use the right painter’s tape to tape to the glass.
Stick the tape tightly against the sealant.
Press the tape well so that you get a nice clean line.
Then you start painting at the top of the glass lath.
Then immediately paint the style above.
This prevents the so-called edges in your painting.
Then paint the left glass lath with the corresponding style.
Paint this style all the way down.
Then you paint the right glass lath with the corresponding style.
And finally the bottom glass lath with the woodwork underneath.
When you’re done painting, check for any sagging and fix it.
Then don’t come again.
Now let the door dry.
Paint a door then maintain it.
When this exterior door has been painted, the main thing is that you clean it well twice afterwards.
This creates a longer durability.
outside painting
Outside painting is regularly maintained and outside painting is a matter of keeping an eye on it.
Everyone knows that outside paintwork you have to regularly check for defects. After all, your paint layer is constantly under the influence of weather conditions.
First, you have to deal with UV sunlight. You then need a paint that has the properties that protect that object or type of wood. Just like with precipitation.
We live in the Netherlands in a four-season climate. This means we are dealing with rain and snow. After all, you also need to be protected for this outside of painting.
We also have to deal with wind. This wind can cause a lot of dirt to adhere to your surface.
Exterior painting and cleaning.
Exterior Paint” title=”Exterior Paint” src=”http://s.s-bol.com/imgbase0/imagebase3/regular/FC/1/5/4/5/92000000010515451.jpg” alt=”Outdoor Paint ” width=”120″ height=”101″/> Exterior paint
Outside paintwork you have to clean regularly. By this I mean all your woodwork that is attached to your home. So from top to bottom: wind springs, gutters, fascia, window frames and doors. If you do this twice a year, you will need less maintenance for your wood parts.
After all, it is an adhesion of dirt to your paint layer. It is best to clean your entire house in the spring and autumn with an all-purpose cleaner. If you are afraid of heights, you can have this carried out. The product I use is B-clean. This is because it is biodegradable and there is no need to rinse. Read more information about B-clean here.
Outside painting and checks
Check your exterior paintwork at least once a year. Then check step by step for defects. Take a pen and paper beforehand and write down these defects per frame, door or other wood part. Check for peeling and note this. When peeling, you have to look further. Press the site of the peeling with your index finger and check that no wood rot is present.
If this is present, note this as well. You should also check the corners of the window frames for cracks or tears. If you want to know whether your paint layer is still intact, do an adhesion test. To do this, take a piece of painter’s tape and stick it on the surface of, for example, a horizontal part of a window frame. Take it off in a snap. If you notice that there is paint on the painter’s tape, that place needs maintenance. Write down all the points on paper and then think about what you can do yourself or the professional.
Outside painting and cracks and tears
You must now be wondering what you can do yourself to restore the exterior paintwork. What you can do yourself is the following: cracks and tears in corners. Clean those corners first with an all-purpose cleaner. When it is dry, take a caulking gun with acrylic sealant and spray the sealant into the crack or tear. Scrape off the excess sealant with a putty knife.
Then take some soapy water with dish soap and dip your finger in that mixture. Now go with your finger to smooth out the sealant. Now wait 24 hours and then give this sealant a primer. Wait another 24 hours and then paint that corner with an alkyd paint. Use a small brush or brush for this. Then apply a second coat and your cracks and tears in the corners are repaired. This will give you the first savings.
Exterior painting and peeling.
In principle, you can also do it yourself outside of painting and peeling off. First, scrape off the peeling paint with a paint scraper. Then you degrease. Then take sandpaper with a grain of 120. First, sand off the fine loose paint particles. Then take 180-grit sandpaper and sand it fine.
Continue sanding until you no longer feel a transition between the painted surface and the bare surface. When everything has been made dust-free, you can apply a primer. Wait until it has hardened and sand lightly, remove dust and apply the first coat of paint. Look closely at the paint can when you can apply a second coat. Don’t forget to sand in between. You did the repair yourself.
Outside painting and outsourcing.
Outside of painting you sometimes have to outsource. Especially wood rot repairs. Unless you dare to do it yourself. If you have it outsourced, have a painting quote made. That way you know where you stand. If you still want to do the work yourself, there are plenty of products on the market where you can do this yourself. As long as you know which product to use.
I myself sell these products, such as the Koopmans range, in my paint shop. Read more information about this here. So when painting outside, it is important that you clean everything twice a year and that you carry out checks once a year and repair them immediately. This way you avoid high maintenance costs.
Do you have any questions about this? Or do you have good experiences with outdoor painting? Let me know
I'm Joost Nusselder, the founder of Tools Doctor, content marketer, and dad. I love trying out new equipment, and together with my team I've been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with tools & crafting tips.